
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Madame du Barbie

Madame du Barbie, originally uploaded by alington.

One of my grail dolls, I recently acquired my first Bob Mackie doll, Madame du Barbie, in a trade. I absolutely adore her.

She's the tenth Bob Mackie doll in the original series, made in 1997. I received her NRFB, but--as you can see--she is no longer in her box. The box was pretty on the outside, but as my trading partner helpfully pointed out, it wasn't very pretty to look at inside. My dolls just don't seem happy in their boxes!

She's such a glamorous Marie Antoinette. So many sparkles and sequins, and hair high up to the heavens. See more photos of her and her lovely gown on Flickr.


  1. Wow, you really do love those elaborate gowns and updos on your dolls. I can't blame you - after all, imagine going to the grocery store with four kids in tow, dressed like that! XD

    Or how much fun Lily and Nico would have with you trying to go room to room in your house without being ambushed by playful kitties.

  2. I do, I do, I do.

    But no, I don't dress like this myself. Jake couldn't get to me around the dress. And how would you bend over to pick him up? And there'd you be--one giant scratching post. Nevermind that I wouldn't fit through any doorways! ;)

    Vacuuming in pearls is one thing. Vacuuming in a pannier skirt--um, I don't think so. ;)


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