
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Meet Lottie, the new Peak's Woods girl?

Lottie, Fairy of Carrot, the new Peak's Woods sculpt!
I've been stalking Peak's Woods website for weeks, trying to discover when the new Fairy of Color (58cm) girl will be released. Imagine my surprise when I found this photo on their front page! Meet Lottie, the new Fairy of Carrot.

She is due to be released this week. It's quite possible that this is the sculpt that will be released with a sister wake-up sculpt as well, but I'm not sure. I do think she's adorable.

She's quite a bit more youthful than the other Peak's Woods sculpts--in fact, she reminds me a lot of a scaled Naomi with her eyes slightly closer together. But I love her nose. I can't wait to see owner photos of this doll. I will probably have to wait till the new year for her, myself. But she's going on my list.

Additionally, in the News & Notice section of the board, the Fortune Cat has become a permanent part of the line. I'm glad to hear it--I find them very fun, and I'd like to add one to my next order.

Photo property of Peak's Woods.

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