
Monday, November 22, 2010

Sold out editions from Peak's Woods...

These two lovelies were released this weekend as part of the holiday specials from Peak's Woods, and they sold out instantly:

Limited edition Skiya, full set. White skin, large bust, gray eyes, short blonde wig and adorable 1950s style outfit by Sadol. She's just too cute. (She was nearly my first SD-sized doll, but I chose poutier looking Sky instead. Surprisingly, my husband agreed to buy this doll for my as a Christmas gift, and she shipped today! Woo HOO!) There were two of these available.

Super adorable Namoi (Fairy of Fairy) full-set. Normal skin, two extra hand parts, detachable magnetic ears, green eyes, limited face-up, little Alice wig, outfit by Sadol (Alice in Wonderland style) and shoes. Adorable! Only one was available.

Photos property of Peak's Woods.

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