
Monday, November 8, 2010

Steffie, Steffie, Steffie!

Target Exclusive Barbie Basic, originally uploaded by alington.
Those of you who know me personally may or may not know that Steffie is my favorite Barbie sculpt. (I know, so original!)

At any rate, I have been adding a few to my own collection of late, and I will be taking photos of them over the next few days, I hope, and posting them to the blog.

Additionally, I have been frequently visiting that private hell of a wish list-builder known as Flickr, and have compiled a new gallery of Barbies I'd love to add to my own personal collection some day--all Steffie faces. I'd like to invite you to visit it and comment on these photographers' terrific photos. (None are mine.)

Do you collect Barbie? If you do, do you have a favorite face sculpt? Leave a comment!

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