
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dal Charlotte

Dal as Charlotte, originally uploaded by alington.
A Christmas gift from my daughter Lauren, whose favorite color is yellow, my very first Dal from Jun Planning! Her name is Charlotte, and I think she is gorgeous.

She fits in perfectly with my historical dolls with her wonderfully over the top sating gown, trimmed with lace and teal flowers. She's even wearing bloomers underneath. She has lavender eyes and blush pink hair in a fantastically braided up-do.

And wow--is she ever a fussy little thing!

While Charlotte's eyes move right and left, her eyes do not close or wink like Pullip's can. Somehow, I think this is appropriate for her facial expression.

See more photos of her on Flickr.

1 comment:

  1. This doll has a super cute face.. I love the yellow dress too! :)


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