
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sweet Talkin' Ken, the Ultimate Boyfriend for Every Occasion.

Nope, I'm not kidding. That's how he's advertised. Isn't it a relief? For $19.99 suggested retail, you can own the perfect boyfriend, too. This is how Mattel opens his promotional flyer:
For nearly five decades, Ken has been Barbie's perfect arm-candy. (...) Now girls of all ages can have the ultimate boyfriend for every occasion with Sweet Talkin' Ken™.
Apparently, he can record up to five seconds of sound in your voice when you press the heart on his shirt. He graciously plays it back to you in his "Ken" voice, a high pitched voice, or the original recorded voice.

Ladies, your dating problems are officially over. We and our daughters can rest assured for the remainder of our lives. I think he'd make the perfect addition to Spy Barbie--er, I mean, Barbie Video Girl™.

If you just can't wait for this doll, he is due to arrive in stores and dealers early January, according to his promotional flyer. Or, for phones with App capability, you might try Talking Carl. He's a huge hit around my house, and is available in the App Store and for Android users, also.


  1. Putting words in a man's mouth to make him the ultimate boyfriend who says the right thing? Those who read romance novels or watch chick flicks would be the primary customers for this hunk of manplastic. "Oh, darn, if only he were life sized, or I could get an app like this for my boyfriend/husband!"

  2. Love it!

    Or as my hubby pointed out, "Wait--he parrots you when you say, "Yes, dear. I'd love to take the trash out. And you look lovely in that dress. Let's go out tonight." And then does nothing else. Um... maybe it actually is good life preparation... ;)

  3. I saw him at my TRU a few weeks ago. I just wish you guys had been with me.


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