
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Are you a doll collector or a doll addict?

How many Steffies does one collector need? A few. But an addict needs them ALL!
The first post you read on a blog really can set the blog's tone. It can either give you more readers or turn them away; so I confess I compulsively rearranged my Steffie collection before beginning this post. This entry serves as a public service announcement for fellow doll addicts, and for those of you we annoy (such as my dear husband, who I trust will not be reading this).

The differences between a doll collector and a doll addict are subtle yet essential. I will address a few tell-tale signs, so you can determine your level of addiction. I've italicized the differences in each paragraph, in case you are in the "annoyed" category above and are desperate.

When placing an order, a collector will do the basic research for a doll that fits into her budget and collection. An addict will spend hours online searching for the absolute lowest price (to maximize her budget) and may revamp the checkbook to read “household expenses” to occasionally hide a purchase.

A collector may become impatient while waiting for a pre-order. An addict will stalk the UPS man and the postal carrier. Also, when a doll is delivered, even if an addict is ill (for example, suffering from a migraine headache with vomiting), she will miraculously recover, to the amazement of her family.

During a move, a collector packs his dolls carefully and may carry them himself, so as to assure their safe delivery. An addict will not only move them herself, but she will unpack the dolls and set them up before unpacking the kitchen, the bathroom, her children’s bedrooms, and her own clothing.

Dear Reader, are you a collector or an addict? Either one, I welcome your comments--unless you’re married to me. (If you're married to me, I already know what you're going to say. And I just love you.) I look forward to sharing my addiction with you.


  1. Addict! A collection also has some sort of theme, it seems to me, while an addict -- me! -- will buy whatever she's currently obsessed with whether it fits in with the others or not. For example, my largest doll is a 42" Masterpiece Peter-Leicht Heather; my smallest is an 4-inches-and-a-smidge tall Dream High Studios Mimi. There's quite the jumble of sizes and types across that spectrum, too. Vinyl, plastic, a couple of porcelains....and I'm STILL SHOPPING!!

  2. I started off at the title thinking, "Pssh, I'm a collector, not an addict!"

    Then I went down the list, and I hit each and every one... so I guess I should rethink my self-classification.

  3. LOL! You guys are great.

    I hope you know it's all tongue-in-cheek, and spoken from experience, so don't take it to seriously. ;)

  4. Yep definitely an addict!! Even though I know I should be spending the money in my paypal account on (a) clothes/wigs/eyes/shoes or (b) my son I obsessively stalk my next doll!

  5. Alison, this particular addiction is a wonderful thing, except that I'm running out of space! We're moving to my late mother's house, soon, though, and I've all ready claimed the "doll room." And then...more more more! ;D

  6. LOL, Kayjay! I do that, too.

    And yay for you, Thread Behaving Badly. You get your own doll room! You'll love an upcoming post I'm working on, I think.

  7. Based on your clarification, I think I'm STILL a doll collector. The word "still" being used here as I try desperately to control this addictive hobby^_~


  8. All of the above.
    Funny post.

  9. Very enjoyable post! :)
    I'm not quite sure that I'm a full blown addict....Oh wait, I... err... Hello, My Name is Erica and I have an....LOL

    yep. I'm just not willing to admit it quite yet! :D

  10. It just happened over night...I found myself obsessing over dolls, fixing, repainting and researching for hours! And the funny part...I use to HATE dolls. Now...I can't get enough. My husband, poor man, is being driven up the wall because its all I'm talking about. I'm even now making dolls! Clay, jointed and marionette dolls..... What is this new obsession? I'm 30 going on 6. Lol! ~KAW BLAM


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