
Sunday, May 22, 2011

A drawing and a comment about drawings

Viyol, by Peak's Woods.
Dear readers, I hope you're enjoying your weekend. By this, I mean, specifically, that you're spending it with your families, relaxing, shopping for or photographing your doll collection, and not spending hours online searching for hard-to-find QR codes, that may very well be the mark of the beast. As you might have noticed, I am still blogging, which means the world didn't actually end this weekend as Mr. Camping predicted.

In honor of this lovely occasion, and my horrible realization that I, a college-educated 38 year-old mother of four, have just spent an embarrassingly quantity of time searching for little code squares online, I've decided to offer my own free drawing. 

The prize: 

A free copy of my upcoming book, Ball-Jointed Dolls for Beginners, to be released by the end of June. (Now I really do have to finish it!)

To enter, all you have to do is go back through each of the Fashion Doll Review's blog posts, and count how many times I've used the words "Tonner Doll" and email me your answer.

Just kidding!!

No, seriously. To play, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post, here on this post, with some piece of identifying info, like your first name, last initial (or a handle is fine) and your state. If you don't mind checking that no one else has already used your ID, I'd appreciate that.

I will be doing a drawing on Tuesday, May 24, 2011, and will post the winner by noon PST, and contact you (or ask you to contact me). Thanks for playing!

I'm really counting on you, dear readers, to enter this free contest. This way I will have a good reason to finish the damned book. 

And as usual, my contributors aren't permitted to enter. You'll have to suffer through reading the book's proof soon enough, so don't be too disappointed.


  1. Congrats on your nearly published book! Would love to read it!

    Frannie(Thrift Store Dolls)

  2. I definately want this book contest or not!! How is it going to be released for purchase? I don't have any BJD's simply for the fact that I don't know much about them and am afraid I wouldn't be able to fix or customize them, but they are soooo beautiful!!! What kind of topics will your book discuss?

    Thanks (sorry so many ?s, lol),

    Jennifer P.

  3. Thanks, Jennifer. I just posted about the book here, including the table of contents. I think you'd really like it, actually! My goal is to make BJDs user-friendly. :)

  4. I would love to learn about BJDs!


  5. There needs to be more books on BJDs!
    The internet is all well and good - but I love me an actual dead tree.

    I'm not sure if I'm eligible for your drawing (I'm in New Zealand), but you don't know unless you try!

  6. Okay, if I don't win a drawing, could you post the link to or whoever is handling the sale of this so I can at least buy a copy? I'll even send a bookplate so I can get an autograph without either of us having to deal with the expense (and terror) of shipping.

  7. WItchylana, yes, you qualify. ;) And my book is print on demand, so I won't have a bunch of dead trees in my garage to deal with. PLUS I will be making a digital version available as well.

  8. Blue, you're a contributor. You'll get a proof to help me edit, like it or not. ;)

  9. I would love to win a copy!! I'm in Ontario, Canada! Thanks for having the draw! Cheryl

  10. Am I a contributor, or are you just trying to act as an enabler, so I can be as nutty as YOU are with BJDs? ;^)

  11. ooh, how exciting! congrats on the deal, i can't wait! and thanks for letting us enter. (=
    ~ marklar (in ME)

  12. Great book idea! And I DON't like scavenger hunts so a drawing is great!

  13. Hi -
    I'd really like to buy a copy if I don't win.
    Jess F. (in VA)


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