
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tatyana in Randall Craig

The Red Queen by alington
The Red Queen, a photo by alington on Flickr.
The Red Queen was getting a little bored in her outfit, and the Queen Bee does not like to wait.

This is the IFDC convention doll from 2010. I've taken down her hair and straightened it slightly. The hair is pretty thick, and wow--what a red! Like Red Rabbit Misaki! I love it.

She's dressed in Randall Craig's "I Know A Place" (still in stock at Windy City) with a replacement belt from a Barbie Basics accessory pack. Her over-the-top earrings are by Tonner Doll Company. Even with the jewels, she still isn't pleased.

See more photos of this dramatic lady on Flickr.

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