
Friday, September 30, 2011

Vanessa, Vanessa, Vanessa

Vanessa, Vanessa, Vanessa by alington
Vanessa, Vanessa, Vanessa, a photo by alington on Flickr.
While I'm on the topic of displays, I thought I'd give you an update on my Vanessa obsession. It's going... obsessively, I'd say. I need some better photos, but this one gives you a general idea.

Top row:
  • Pale Fire Vanessa
  • Photo Realism Veronique* 
  • Color Therapy
  • Shirred Not Shaken
  • Dress Code Vanessa in Most Desired Eugenia's fashion
  • In Bloom Vanessa
  • Aerodynamic
  • Obsidian Society
Front row:
  • Temptation
  • High Tide
  • Metal Maven (you don't know what happened to the other girl in this gown!)
  • Monaco Royale
  • Intoxicating Mix
  • True Royalty
  • Cruise Control
*She didn't want to sit with Poppy!


  1. Oh Vanessa, I certainly can see why you love them all! The bride...exquisite! Beautiful work! Hugs!

  2. Lovely, i like them all,i can undestand it's like a addiction.


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