
Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Ah, it is that time again. To look back on the old year, in this case, 2011, with a mixture of amazement, amusement, and disbelief at what happened. In my case, it was, "I can't
believe I passed the 100 mark of Tonner dolls in my collection."

The century mark! Kalypso Hart, formerly Egyptian Gold Betty Ann

This was something that did, indeed, invoke, amazement, amusement and disbelief! I
knew the count had been sneaking up on me, but still...

I also realized at some point this year that I had, for the third year running, not kept to my New Year's resolutions, at least with regards to my doll collection. I don't make regular New Year's resolutions for myself like most folks, because I got tired of the pressure of trying to live up to something I don't really want to do in the first place, which takes actual effort, forethought and discipline. Why resolve to lose x many pounds? All those little "rewards" I give myself for losing a pound, such as the chocolate I had been denying myself in order to lose that pound, always causes that pound to return to the scene of the crime, (which I sit upon) and that pound always seems to bring three or four friends with it.

Increase my doll collection? Pfft. No problems, except for where to get the money, and
which ones do I target for acquisition? I have also never actually made this particular resolution, it just happens. I blame Robert Tonner, since the man has a GIFT for knowing what dolls I am looking for, even if I don't know it myself.

But the resolutions I have been making for my doll collection have been to throttle back on the number of dolls I have been acquiring - okay, you readers can stop giggling at any time! - and start getting more things for them, such as clothing, furniture and other props. This is not to say that I am going to give up acquiring dolls, oh, no! But for a while, it was starting to look like I had the Animal House sorority on my desk, with all the dolls wearing Togas. All that was missing were the scale booze bottles, kegs, and the lampshades on their heads.

L-R Eshalya, Neysa, Siobhan, Valerie
(Super Stripes Angelina, Bohemian Beauty Angelina, Sun Kissed Sophisticate Shauna, Ultra Basic Stella)
So, to see if I can actually follow a New Year's Resolution plan, I will set my New Year's Resolutions for 2012 into writing, and see if I can actually follow it:

1. More clothing for my dolls.
2. More props for my dolls.
3. More furniture for my dolls.
4. Bodies for the poor souls trapped in the Bluebeard Drawer, making them, to paraphrase Pinnocchio, "Real live dolls."
5. A Cute, Fuzzy, Doll-Seeking Missile of Mass Destruction-proof case to store my dolls, to protect them from Stormcloud the Moscow Marauder and Camas Houdini Meadows.

Stormcloud the Moscow Marauder, left, and Camas Houdini Meadows, right
The Cute, Fuzzy, Doll-Seeking Missiles of Mass Destruction

Tune in this time next year, to see if I can actually do it.


  1. NICE! i need only one tonner this yr_ marvel's rogue.
    now, FRs, the other hand, are now growing like weeds.

  2. Here's to the new year and the Blue Beard Drawer!


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