
Saturday, January 21, 2012

No phone, no lights, one kitty cat...

As some of you have probably heard, we had a major "weather event" here in Washington State. From Thursday at 11:30 am, to 5:30 am this morning, I had no power.

The following picture pretty much sums up Washington every single time we get snow:

 My beloved, oh so goofy Cute, Fuzzy, Doll-Seeking Missile of Mass Destruction, better known as Stormy, decided he was going to try darting out the door every time I wanted to go out to snap some doll pictures. My brother Chet finally decided to put his leash and harness on.

Daddy, it's COLD outside!
Stormy was less than THRILLED with his outdoor adventure.

After about two minutes of doing some rather fast footwork, he gave Chet the "Big, sad eyes," and was doing his air raid siren impersonation to be let back in! All this without getting a chance to eat a tasty doll, which is what I think started the little excursion. Wouldn't you know, he was still trying to get outside today.


  1. Oh, they both look cold! Hope you guys can stay unfrozen up there! I won't complain about our 52 degrees and rain, then! ;)

  2. Actually, Chet and I are both hardy heat generator types. This is the only time of the year the cats love us unconditionally, for something OTHER than our ability to get into the food supply to feed them.


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