
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Steffie of the Day: DOTW India

DOTW India by alington
DOTW India, a photo by alington on Flickr.
This Dolls of the World India is a harder to find version of the original 1981 issue. I believe this version was manufactured in smaller numbers.

She differs from the other version (also made in 1981) in the following ways:
  • Her eyes are even larger and lined a little differently.
  • The gold fabric of her top is lamé, like the fabric used in Golden Dreams, rather than mesh.
  • Her hair is very dark brown, not black.
  • The red fabric is shot through with a brighter red metallic thread. The other version uses a metallic burgundy.
These little variations make collecting Barbie quite fun and special--like a treasure hunt!

Here's a quick photo of the more common first version I had in my collection.

DOTW India

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