
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Steffie of the Day: Sun Lovin' Malibu PJ

Sun Lovin' Malibu PJ by alington
Sun Lovin' Malibu PJ, a photo by alington on Flickr.
From 1978, this lovely variation is a harder to find version of the original. She is also manufactured in the Philippines. But she differs in the following ways:

First, her bent Superstar style arms--most Malibu dolls have straight arms.
Second, her legs are a soft rubbery plastic instead of hard plastic. (They still don't bend at the knee, however.)
Third, her facial screening is a little darker around the eye lids and brows.

You can see a few more photos on Flickr, and if you like, you can compare them to a straight-arm version here.

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