
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Clothing optional?

Iplehouse EID Yur by alington
Iplehouse EID Yur, a photo by alington on Flickr.
The only bad thing about an eclectic collection is when clothing doesn't fit.

I'm not talking about tailoring problems. I'm talking about when you can't slide a pair of stretch pants up over a doll's thighs. That's when you know you have an issue.

Why, oh why, can't I just be happy with what I have?

Well, just look at her. It's Iplehouse EID Yur (she's as pretty as the promo). She's a mere 65 cm tall (that's a little more than 25.5 inches). I have plenty of room in my cabinet. And she's the "medium" bust size. There is also a "large" bust option. (I can only imagine!) She is in the special real skin resin, which is a wonderful, hard-to-pour tan color and has a company face-up.

I see spandex, double-stretch jersey, and corsets in my future!

But isn't she gorgeous? You can see additional photos on Flickr.

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