
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Wonder Woman 52

Wonder Woman 52 by alington
Wonder Woman 52, a photo by alington on Flickr.
The lovely Wonder Woman 52 makes her appearance on the blog (finally) in the Amethyste fashion (an older Theatre de la Mode gown from 2003, I believe, which barely snaps over her rather busty heroic figure).

Wonder Woman uses the Tyler Wentworth 2.0 sculpt with raven hair and blue eyes. I think she restyles very well, though she'd fit better in DeeAnna Denton fashions, I think. I love her!

You can see a few more photos on Flickr.


  1. i thought about getting this gal and rebodying her onto a regular Tyler chassis. Is her hair thick all over? She's so pretty in this gown!

    1. Great idea--and yes, her hair is very thick. She has similar face paint to the Ultra Basic Tyler 2.0 from several years ago, I think--stronger lips, I think, and brows are a little darker.


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