
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Paparazzi Bait Adele, restyled.

Paparazzi Bait Adele, originally uploaded by alington.
Since her first deboxing, Paparazzi Bait Adele has given me a hard time with her hair. Finally, I've had the guts to give her a spa day.

I'm not 100% satisfied with the results yet, but this is only the first try.

I shampooed her gelled hair with mild dishwashing soap and conditioned with Dove oil-free conditioner. I let it sit for about 5 minutes and rinsed with very hot tap water, which softened the curls a little.

Next, I combed through with a fine comb, straight on top and curly at the ends. I let it dry with a soft ponytail holder over her head, so the top of her head would stay smooth.

When dry, I used an alcohol-free gel to help the wisps, and finger styled the curls.

Next time, I think I'll boil perm slightly, to straighten the roots a little more. Also, I need to fix her eyelashes next.

You can see a few more photos of Adele on Flickr.

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