
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Steffie of the Day - Vintage Repro Black Barbie

Repro Black Barbie, originally uploaded by alington.
One of my favorite Steffie-faced dolls is the original Black Barbie doll from 1980, but I haven't been fortunate enough to add her to my collection yet.

I do, however, have the lovely reproduction. And she, too, is adorable. I have her dressed in a fun Fashion Fever outfit from 1998 or 1999. She is just smashing in yellow.

See another full-length photo of her on Flickr, in my display.

1 comment:

  1. I had never seen her before. Thanks for sharing. By the way, everything started working again for me with your site. I don't know why. I didn't get to troubleshoot yet. Oh well. Sometimes it pays to procrastinate.


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