
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Serious Yulli photo spam

Normal skin Yulli, Fairy of Color resin BJD by Peak's Woods.
One of my recent additions, this is Yulli. She's been on my Peak's Woods dream list for quite some time. I've only seen a few owner photos of this doll, and she's very sweet. My girl is a normal skin, large bust version. Here, she's dressed in an outfit by GingerLime Designs from Den of Angels, and a wig by DollHeart. You can see a ton of other photos of her unique sculpt on my Flickr photostream.

She is an earlier sculpt of Peak's Woods, and she's doesn't appear to be very common. I love the unique droopy outer corner of her eye sculpt, her full cheeks, heart-shaped face, and the way her face is angular, rather than flat.

She has a default face-up, which I find lovely. The dark line of shadow on her eyelid adds to the depth of her face.

Her mouth is actually sculpted open--I think you might even have the option of adding a small white resin tooth part behind her mouth (held in place with putty, like her eyes), but she's strung the old-fashioned way, with a resin hook head cap. So I haven't bothered to peek in there yet. (I noticed it on another new arrival--photos coming soon--and saw Yulli's mouth is similar.)

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