
Friday, April 22, 2011

Goldie #3 has returned!

Gracefully yellowed white skin Goldie, with a fresh face-up by Leah Lilly.
So remember when I confessed to having a BJD problem? The gorgeous girl in the photo above is actually a bargain doll I picked up on Den of Angels several months ago (all in pieces, actually), which you can see in the post above or in her before photos.

Embarrassingly, I have more than one of this sculpt, thanks to this photo by solarsenshi on Flickr. No tans, yet, but one Wake-Up version in mine. But they are all different and wonderful! This girl needs a name--the other two are Sonja, Claudine, and Goldie. Who should she be?

I was able to restring her body, and I sent her head away to Leah Lilly of Froggy Duds for a new face-up, giving the artist free range in her abilities. (I've never seen a Leah Lilly face-up that I haven't loved, so I wasn't risking a whole lot, I have to confess.) She returned safely to me yesterday, and I had to get Goldie dressed up right away!

She's wearing Bella Dark (by DollHeart--a great alternative if you love and/or missed Val Zeitler's Boardwalk outfit), purple glass eyes and a wig from one of the Val Zeitler/Doll Heart collaborative projects. You can see more photos of her on Flickr.

A personal note on resin and yellowing: In my ever-so-humble opinion, if you collect BJDs or resin fashion dolls, you're going to have to deal with yellowing. To me, as long as it's even yellowing, it adds a unique beauty to your doll. Don't keep your dolls in direct sunlight, or expose them too much to the elements--though who's to deny the creative muse when she calls for an outdoor photo shoot?

And then, let there be yellow.

This is probably where the price versus quality issue will rear its ugly face in the end. And that, my dears, is why we call doll collecting a hobby, and not a lifestyle. (Or so I tell myself.) ;)

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