
Editor's Note

Welcome to the new and improved Fashion Doll Review.

Me. Hair color may vary.
Our objective is establish a single, one-stop collaborative web eZine for the eclectic doll collector. We hope to provide you with clear, concise and humorous news and information on vintage, fashion and ball-jointed dolls.

A little about me:

My name is Alison. I've been collecting dolls since I was seven, and though I'm currently in a ball-jointed doll phase, my collection is eclectic. My favorite American BJD artists are Paulette Goodreau and Kim Lasher, and my favorite Asian BJD company is Peak's Woods.

Alison's Peak's Woods girls.
I have several lovely vintage Barbies, who are the prizes of my 11" doll collection. I have a many gorgeous Tonner dolls (favorites are Shauna, Daphne, and Precarious) Integrity Toys - my favorites are Vanessa and Poppy Parker.

Current themes in my collection include Steffie-faced dolls, Gorgeous Gowns, Alice in Wonderland, Rococo and Peak's Woods sculpts.

I've published three books: Ball-Jointed Dolls for Beginners, Steffie: Out of the Box, and Alice: Out of the Box. These books are also available on Amazon and Amazon Europe.

Other areas of interest for me are babies (yes, the real ones that cry and poop), shoes (especially John Fluevog and the late Alexander McQueen), good coffee, chocolate, photography, English history, NPR, alcoholic beverages, foreign films, feminism, fashion, art quilting, and mixed media.

1968 Brownette Talking Barbie.
Things I dislike are schedules, waiting for UPS deliveries, migraines, laundry (it's endless!), people who never seem satisfied or who are overly critical, and people who leave only negative comments on blogs (and don't have the guts to use their name).

That being said, I do welcome your comments and feedback (even if you don't want to use your name). I love to hear what you really think, and no, you don't have to sugarcoat it. Just tell me what you'd like to see improved, and how we might do it. I might decide that isn't right for us, and suggest you start your own blog.

I'm a stay-at-home mother of four, two boys and two girls. My husband and I will be celebrating my fifteenth anniversary this year. Both my girls are interested in dolls as well.

Find me on the web:

I'm tweeting on Twitter. Occasionally, I will post items on The DollPage Show and Sell, and you can see my feedback on the Doll Community Feedback Forum or eBay.


  1. Hi, and congrats for... collecting collectors! You might be interested in my dollcultural blog,
    It's bilingual Eng/Ita and thematically covering contemporary fashion, art, design, marketing concepts, sensitive issues under the "doll" lenses.
    Happy 2011!

  2. Thanks--for the comment and the link. Quite the robust blog you've got there! I really like yours!

    Happy New Year to you, too! :)


We welcome your thoughtful, on-topic, and relevant comments. We'd love to start a discussion here.

Please note that links, off-topic, and irrelevant comments won't be published.