
Friday, June 5, 2009

Kyori in Dressed to Thrill

This is Fierce Subject Kyori in Dressed to Thrill. I can't believe I was also considering selling this lovely doll--but of course I can't now. She's just too much fun. I just adore the polka dots, and she can totally carry off this hat.

I think she comes across as very elegant and sophisticated in this outfit. I do still need to rinse the gel out of her hair--it feel really stiff. Maybe I'll do that today.

You can check out the rest of Kyori's photo shoot on my Flickr photostream or on my Mobile Me gallery.


  1. I have featured your awesome blog on my roundup blog Dolls: Crafting and Collecting

    best wishes,
    Robyn L. Coburn

  2. Why thank you! I've subscribed to your great blog and posted a permanent link to yours on mine as well--I'll go catch up on some reading. :)


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