
Friday, June 5, 2009

Walk for the Cause BJD by Ashton-Drake

Available from Ashton-Drake Galleries, this new vinyl ball-jointed doll was created with a purpose. A portion of the proceeds form the purchase of this doll will be donated to the fight against breast cancer.
This doll was designed by Dianna Effner, and she is 12" tall with 11 rotating joints. She's the first in a series of collection plan--the others will be automatically sent to you as they becomes available. Each doll in the collection is dressed in pink with embroidered pink ribbons indicate their cause. Issue One also carries three balloons with the messages, "Hope," "Strength" and "Courage" on them.
Photo courtesy Ashton-Drake Galleries.


  1. Nice idea. I like it when people use dolls for more than just playing. ^_^

  2. Me, too. Plus it makes me feel good when my doll budget is going towards a good purpose as well.


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